Herbal Energy


You can only attach this card to a Grass Pokémon. This card provides Grass Energy. When you play this card from your hand, heal 30 damage from the Grass Pokémon you attach this card to. Discard this card if the Pokémon this card is attached to is no longer Grass.

(If this card is attached to anything other than a Grass Pokémon, discard this card.)

When you attach this card from your hand to 1 of your Grass Pokémon, heal 30 damage from that Pokémon.

This card can only be attached to Grass Pokémon. This card provides Grass Energy only while this card is attached to a Grass Pokémon.

Illustrator: 5ban Graphics


This section will be overworked soon to have a better UI/UX. For now check out the price of the Herbal Energy card from Cardmarket and TCGplayer in full detail.


Apr 26, 2024

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TCG Player

Apr 26, 2024

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