Heatran LV.X
Put this card onto your Active Heatran. Heatran LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous level.
Your opponent can't remove the Special Condition Burned by evolving or devolving his or her Burned Pokémon. (This also includes putting a Pokémon Level-Up card onto the Burned Pokémon.) Whenever your opponent flips a coin for the Special Condition Burned between turns, treat it as tails.
Once at the end of your turn, if Heatran is on your Bench, you may use this power. If you discarded basic Energy cards attached to your Fire or Metal Active Pokémon by using that Pokémon's attack this turn, attach up to 2 of those Energy cards to that Pokémon.
This section will be overworked soon to have a better UI/UX. For now check out the price of the Heatran LV.X card from Cardmarket and TCGplayer in full detail.
Oct 8, 2024
TCG Player
Oct 8, 2024